The Southern Foodways Alliance enjoyed working with Allison to report and produce an episode for our Gravy podcast. Her story, "The Price of Cheap Milk," profiled two women, friends and neighbors in southeast Georgia, who both grew up and spent their working lives on dairy farms. ...Allison shared the story in a way that encouraged thoughtfulness about the plights of small producers trying to compete in a corporate agricultural economy. She was prompt in meeting her deadlines, plain and direct in her communication, and easy to work with during the editorial process. Her clear-eyed portrait of the pitfalls and possibilities for her subjects was particularly engaging for our listeners.
Mary Beth Lasseter, Associate Director
Allison is a dogged reporter and a clear communicator. She reported a story for Proof about a small town and their relationship with a historical dish called chicken mull, and navigated the intricacies of discussing conflicts between sources in a small community with respect and delicateness. She balances the ability to be persistent while being courteous with sources, and always delivered drafts on deadline. She's also up for a challenge--even when we pushed her out of her comfort zone as a narrative storyteller.
Yumi Araki, Managing Producer
As the local NPR affiliate for Athens and the University of Georgia community, WUGA has an obligation to provide its listeners with the same quality and professionalism that NPR reporters deliver from every corner of the world on a daily basis. Allison Salerno’s work reflected that commitment and allowed WUGA to present compelling stories about our local community that were consistent with the gold standard of NPR.
Chris Shupe, Program Director
As a colleague, an observer and occasional editor of Allison’s work for many years, I can vouch for her professionalism and passion for the craft of journalism in all of its formats. She’s a natural storyteller with a won’t-stop work ethic and scrupulous respect for the facts. She researches a topic relentlessly, finds the most compelling angles, and then structures her narratives in ways that give her audiences the joy of discovery. I love her narrative voice, in text and especially on radio: She writes and talks as if she’s letting us all in on some great secrets we’ll want to share.